MAA Matters -

The Checkered History of Dr. Norman Bethune

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While Canada holds Dr. Norman Bethune (Class of 1916) in high regard for his medical ingenuity, China idolizes him....
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An Important Notice to MAA Members
If you are a graduate of the MD Program at U of T, this message is for you....
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Gratitude and Appreciation
Thank you to Meds alumni who generously supported MAA programs and helped today’s medical students become tomorrow’s physicians....
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Class Reunions
Is this your reunion year?...
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Class Notes
News from your classmates...
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In Memory of Dr. Juanita Arline McLean, Class of 6T6
Arline had many exceptional gifts, a love for her work and her family, an incredible sense of kindness, and an authentic concern for helping others....
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In Memoriam
LIVES WELL LIVED We remember alumni who died recently...
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A knack for surgery
Dr. Bill Mustard (Class of 3T7) may have been the only surgeon to invent two major operations – in two different specialties....
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The possibility of nuclear war
“For every minute of every day, for decades, we have been living under nuclear threat,” says Dr. Vinay Jindal (Class of 9T5)....
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Class Notes
News from your classmates...
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Class Reunions
Is this your reunion year?...
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In Memory of Dr. Nancy McKee, Class of 7T0
Nancy was guided by the principles of “what is right.” For the patient. For the student. For the young staff person. For the division. It is a legacy that continues t...
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In Memoriam
LIVES WELL LIVED We remember alumni who died recently...
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Overwhelmed? Underpaid?
Overwhelmed? Underpaid? Then you may be a family physician, bearing the brunt of the doctor shortage …...
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Here Comes the Class of 2022
The MAA salutes this year’s graduates at the Pre-Convocation Ceremony ...
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From My Class to Yours
Dr. Val Rachlis from the Class of 7T2 addresses the Class of 2T2...
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Class of 2022
Introducing the 2T2 Graduates: In June, 251 students graduated from the U of T Med program ...
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MAA Awards 2022
Here are the recipients of the 2022 MAA Awards for excellence....
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Profile of a New Grad
2T2 graduate Sabrina Fitzgerald received the 5T7 Memorial Dr. Janice Huffman MAA Award ...
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Class Notes
News from your classmates...
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Class Reunions
Is this your reunion year?...
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In Memory of Dr. Bill MacEachern, Class of 5T8
He was an exceptionally competent and knowledgeable dermatologist as well as a “really nice guy.”...
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In Memoriam
LIVES WELL LIVED We remember alumni who died recently...
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The Student-Senior Isolation Prevention Partnership
MedSoc’s SSIPP has proven so successful, it has attracted 96 med students and gone national …...
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Gratitude and Appreciation
Thank you to Meds alumni who generously supported MAA programs and helped today’s medical students become tomorrow’s physicians. Their support means the world to the...
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Class of 7T2 Memorable Moments in Medicine
Celebrating the Class of 7T2’s 50th anniversary with memorable moments...
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Class Notes
News from your classmates...
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Class Reunions
News from your classmates...
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Heart surgeon makes one breakthrough – then another
A giant in his field - It’s close to 70 years since Dr. Wilfred Bigelow from the Class of 3T8 revolutionized cardiovascular surgery....
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In Memory of Dr. Bernard Langer, Class of 5T6
Bernie, a “surgeon’s surgeon,” performed the first liver transplant in Toronto. As Chief of General Surgery at U of T, he pioneered subspecialty training. ...
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In Memory of Dr. Robert Douglas Burgess, Class of 7T4
Rob, a family practitioner in Whistler, British Columbia, was frequently whisked away by helicopter to attend to skiing injuries high on the mountains....
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In Memoriam
LIVES WELL LIVED We remember alumni who died recently...
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Reconciling medical education and health care for Indigenous peoples
Much needs to be done to reconcile medical education and health care for Indigenous peoples. Here’s what’s underway now....
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Who was Dr. Peggy Hill?
When Dr. Marion Hilliard (Class of 2T7) took to the high-school stage to speak about her career as an obstetrician/gynecologist, Marguerite (Peggy) Hill sat enthralled....
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The Dr. Marguerite (Peggy) Hill Lecture Series on Indigenous Health
The annual Dr. Peggy Hill Lecture, one of the university’s oldest standing initiatives in Indigenous Health, has welcomed a variety of insightful speakers....
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Class of 6T1 Memorable Moments
Celebrating the Class of 6T1’s 60th anniversary, with memorable moments....
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What's a Class to do?
Although the pandemic has slammed the brakes on many class activities, the Class of 9T4 continues to raise funds for medical students. And the Class of 6T0, well...
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Class Notes
News from your classmates...
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In Memory of Dr. Peter Dent
Peter created the first multidisciplinary program in immunology and virology, and founded McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton....
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In Memoriam
LIVES WELL LIVED We remember alumni who died recently...
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Here comes the Class of 2T1
The Pre-Convocation Ceremony celebrated that med school kept going despite the pandemic getting in the way of, well, just about everything....
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MAA Awards
Thanks to the generosity of medical alumni who have made donations and bequests to the Medical Alumni Association, we are able to provide a number of awards every year to...
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Class of 2021
Congratulations to the Class of 2021...
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Don't Let History Repeat Itself
You are only the second of our classes, 2020 being the first, in the last 100 years to graduate during a pandemic....
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On Becoming a Physician
Childhood experiences with the social determinants of health led Rakshith Gangireddy, Class of 2T2, to want to help communities...
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Past issues of MAA Matters

Medical Alumni Association

of the University of Toronto
The MAA is an independent association funded by U of T MD alumni, working in partnership with the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. 

The MAA provides financial assistance to medical students and connects alumni.
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