Our world is changing — not only due to the effects of viruses — and the MAA is changing too. The obvious change with this issue is the move of MAA Matters to a digital-only format.
Two main factors influenced this decision. One is that it allows us to have more issues per year and make the content quickly available on our website; we plan three issues this year. That will allow us to be more up to date with class news and memorials. The other factor is cost. Publishing a paper magazine has become prohibitively expensive. We hope that you find much of interest in this issue and those to come.
It is now more than a year that the MAA has been out of our physical office. But Patricia Coty and Sarah Groom, our intrepid staff, have been doing a wonderful job of keeping things going remotely.
This issue reports on our donors from 2020. We are extremely grateful to them. As there was no student travel last year, we were able to divert travel grants to increase bursary support in a year when students had unusual needs.
The need is still great; I encourage all of our donors to renew their support. Consider becoming a monthly donor— it is easy and convenient and helps us with steady support over the year. If you are not a donor, please consider becoming one.
The introduction of vaccines has begun to change our experience of this pandemic. I hope that you are and remain well and can look forward to less stressful times.
David McKnight (7T5)