Although some members of the Class of 6T3 may still be working, most of us are retired and far from the frontlines. We wish to offer our respect, admiration, and appreciation to the dedicated frontline physicians doing their best to provide care and support to the many victims of COVID-19.
These are unprecedented and stressful times for everyone, but especially for frontline physicians. We’re now in the second year of the pandemic, and we still don’t know if and when it will end. Sicker patients threaten to overwhelm ICUs; there are new, more infectious and possibly more dangerous COVID variants; there are vaccine supply shortages; and there’s mixed messaging. All of these factors contribute to tremendous stress. Not to mention another stress – the threat of contracting COVID and possibly passing it on to loved ones. Then there’s the fear of the unknown, and the stress of dealing daily with severe illness and death.
And there are so many questions! Will I be the same after it is over? So few answers!
Truly these physicians who return day after day to their workplaces are heroes; however, I am sure, if asked, they would say they are just doing their job. But what a job and under what stress!
Let us also pay tribute to the other heroes – the frontline ICU and emergency nurses, and respiratory technicians – and recognize the other physicians, nurses, and support and administrative staff helping to hold the medical system together. The practice of health care is a team effort, and it functions best when we work cooperatively as a team.
Let us offer a resounding cheer to our frontline physicians, our heroes, and the other frontline workers.
When the COVID crisis is over, the full story will be told. The roles of other heroes – such as psychiatrists, psychologists, paramedics, vaccine scientists, teachers, and many others – will surface and be recognized.
Until then, frontline workers: Stay strong, maintain your stamina, compassion, and mental and physical health. And thank you.
- Perry Cooper MD, on behalf of the Class of 6T3
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