Thanks to the generosity of medical alumni who have made donations and bequests to the Medical Alumni Association, we are able to provide a number of awards every year to students, faculty and staff. The recipients of the faculty and staff awards are selected by the graduating class. The MAA Awards were announced during the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Pre-Convocation Ceremony on June 15, 2021.
Student Awards
Dong An
Samuel J. Streight Award in Internal Medicine
for high standing in internal medicine
Sun Ming (Steven) Cho
Dr. Robert P. Orange Memorial Prize
for leadership qualities and commitment to extracurricular activities in the Faculty and University
Joseph Jamnik
MAA Proficiency Award
for general high standing in the undergraduate medical program
Darby Little
MAA Proficiency Award
for general high standing in the undergraduate medical program
Andreea Matei
Barbara M. Hardy Memorial MAA Award
for excellence and intent to specialize in general surgery
Mana Modares
5T7 Memorial Dr. Janice Huffman MAA Award
for excellence in radiology
Prem Nichani
Dr. Irvin (Kelly) Gollish 5T7 Memorial Award
for interest in ophthalmology through clinical or research participation
Amrit Sampalli
Weber/Nimon Prize in Neurology
for special interest in neurology and neurological topics in research and clinical services
Stephanie Schwindt
Dr. Carl Witus (3T6) Memorial Prize in Paediatrics
for high standing and interest in paediatrics
Abdul Sidiqi
Dr. S. Nimu Ganguli and Family MAA Award in Diagnostic Medical Imaging
for excellence in diagnostic medical imaging through research and/or clinical electives
Shrey Sindhwani
Harris Family MAA Award in Oncology
for excellence and intent to specialize in oncology
Asia Lee van Buuren
Dr. Isaac Jack Markens 4T8 MAA Award
for academic excellence
Delbert S. Hoare 2T8 MAA Award
for outstanding contributions to undergraduate medical education
Dr. Seetha Radhakrishnan
Class of 8T9 Medical Alumni Award
for acting as a role model for undergraduate medical students and showing them outstanding compassion, understanding and guidance
Dr. Jonathan Micieli
Dr. E. Mary Hollington Pre-Clinical Teaching
for excellence in teaching in the pre-clinical or basic science part of the curriculum
Dr. David Kodama
Dr. E. Mary Hollington Clinical Teaching Award
for excellence in teaching in the clinical part of the curriculum
Joanne Leo
David Eberle Memorial Alumni Award
for acting as a role model for undergraduate medical students and showing them outstanding compassion, understanding and guidance