The MAA is committed to helping students who have gained admission to Canada’s leading medical school to complete their education with financial assistance when needed.
The MAA provides financial assistance in the form of loans, bursaries, awards, grants and scholarships to medical students.
Interest-free loans of $3000 per year are provided to medical students who meet the criteria. Repayment begins one year after graduation, and the loan remains interest free as long as the loan is not in default.
Preference is given to students who complete all sections of the application and who are paying interest on a line of credit. Selected qualified applicants will be interviewed by the MAA Loans Officer. Please note, loans are currently unavailable.
The MAA provides over $125,000 in bursaries and scholarships to 32 students.
MAA recipients are selected through the Faculty of Medicine awards process.
General application to Awards and Admissions for funding automatically includes an application for all bursaries, including those sponsored by the MAA.
Grants of $250 are available to fourth-year medical students to help pay for transportation costs during clinical electives.
Please note travel grants are currently unavailable.
The MAA funds undergraduate International Health Selective grants for U of T 4th year medical students.
These grants are for those interested in participating in a clinical elective in Canada’s under-resourced North or in other countries for four to seven weeks.
It is expected that the trainee will gain extraordinary clinical, surgical and/or laboratory experience.
Contact the Transition to Residency Program:
Each year the MAA provides a number of grants for the Comprehensive Research Experience for Medical Students (CREMS). These grants are awarded to first and second year medical students at the University of Toronto.
Through these scholarships, supplemented through the CREMS program, students have the opportunity to participate in an academic experience that includes a research project related to important health issues in developing countries. This program enables students to expand upon their knowledge gained through the standard curriculum in Canada.
The duration of the project is from 10 to 12 weeks, including travel to and from the project site. Projects are undertaken between May/June and August.
The MAA provides funding to the student Medical Society, for events and activities that are education oriented, such as:
Funding for student educational activities and clubs is provided to the Medical Society. The MAA does not accept applications from individual clubs.